Friday, May 1, 2009

Cami's Dance Recital and Ian's Baseball

This summer Cami had some dance classes and Ian went into baseball. They both had a great time, but each one struggled with the notion of practicing. Even though they both thought practicing was boring they both did really well once the actual stuff started. Cami remembered her dance moves and Ian managed to hit the ball.

In the video above Cami is dancing at her recital which she and her class had been practicing for weeks.

In this video Ian gets his first hit...but not only that it was his first ever at bat in baseball and he batted in a run! I was very relieved that he got a hit so soon and didn't fall into the "I suck at everything" rut. For some unknown reason Ian was given the largest uniform. His shirt was huge and he needed a large safety pin to keep his pants from falling off.

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