Saturday, February 19, 2011

Chili Cookoff 2011

It's that time again! One of our favorite church activities, the Chili-fest (or Chili-Cookoff), is upon us this weekend. We look forward to this event every year. It is so fun! We get to talk to our friends while enjoying some great food. What's not to like about that?

This year we decided to not make a chili for the contest. The ingredients are expensive and, not to sound petty, we never win. But, in the end we should have made one because this year there were only 13 chili's entered. For whatever reason there were not many attendees this time around. Last year there were almost 40 chili's to choose from.

The video above is but a small sample of the festivities. There was a live band, provided by some members, and later there was a pinata for the kids. Last year the pinata wouldn't break and had to be smashed by an adult, but this year the 3rd of 4th kid blew the thing apart.

It was a very fun night, but like was said before there weren't so many people there tonight. I don't know where everyone was, but they weren't at the fest. I really hope that this lower turnout doesn't deter the leadership from having the party next year. One of the things I feel about our ward is that all of the activities are always on shaky ground and can be forgotten about too easily. I am always looking for church activities to get the kids involved with and I would hate to have these fairly rare events go away completely.

Oh, by the way, our former Bishop won the "Best Chili" award this year after 10 years of trying. I didn't get to taste any of his chili but I'm sure it was yummy.

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