Saturday, November 26, 2011

Chicago Tardis - 2011

This year's Doctor Who Convention, otherwise known as Chicago Tardis, was great fun. Here Ian and I are seen posing with the major guests that attended. From left to right they are Mathew Waterhouse (Adric), Janet Fielding (Tegan), and Peter Davison (the 5th Doctor).

Ian dressed up as the Brigadier character and he looked great (thanks goes to Mommy for pulling the costume together). I can't tell you how many young attractive girls loved on Ian. They would all coo and hug him and say things like "he is so adorable!" and "you're awesome!" Many pictures were taken of him with these girls and I must say he looked very pleased with himself. I was very jealous...

As part of his costume he wore a mustache which we drew on with an eyebrow pencil. We had gone to dinner at one point and when we left the restaurant we stopped in the bathroom. Ian wanted to touch up his moustache before we left. While he was looking in the mirror drawing it on an older boy came in and saw him. Ian was mortified that another boy saw him putting on makeup, but he and I quickly got into such a giggle that we could barely walk. It was one of those moments to treasure.

This year was a lot of fun because Ian had such a great time. However, it was a melancholy experience for me because my best friend Brian had just died the week before. He always went along with us and enjoyed himself so much. Not only did he enjoy the convention itself but he loved to watch Ian having fun. I told Ian that Brian would have been so jealous that Janet Fielding (from the picture above) was hugging him.

1 comment:

Ginny said...

I'm so glad you guys got to go. What fun for Ian. Now it can be a tradition to do it for Brian and I'm sure he is watching somewhere and approves. Maybe he was the one to nudge Janet Fielding to hug Ian. Gotta learn Ian's trick and maybe they'll nudge you to. wink, wink.