Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The First Day of School - 2012

It's that time again, the dreaded first day of school. The kids were excited to start school, or more accurately to see their friends again. Cami is in 4th grade now and has a new teacher this year. Ian is in 5th grade, the last grade before he moves on to middle school, and he has the same teacher he had last year.

It is so hard for me to see Ian in the oldest grade. He and Cami both are growing up so quickly. In the mornings the kids line up in rows according to grade. I have watched my kids over the years go from the youngest rows all the way over to the oldest rows. Next year he'll go back to being in the youngest grade in middle school and Cami will be in the oldest grade in grade school.

I remember Cami's first day of school 3 years ago now. The teacher grabbed Cami and took her, kicking and screaming, into the classroom and closed the door. It made me sick to watch.

I hate school. It is a fulltime job keeping up with all of the homework and the other paperwork the teachers send home. They send so many pieces of paper home that important ones get tossed out among all the umimportant ones. Then we miss events and sign up sheets for science fairs, etc. And then there are the lunches to keep up with. Ughh. I don't like it at all.

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