Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Cami's 6th Birthday Party

This last summer Cami wanted her birthday party at a local mini-golf place. They had a good deal where each kid cost $7.50 and that got them a day's golfing, a hot dog and drink, and it included the picnic area as well.

All the kids had a great time golfing even though some of them were really really bad at it. I was surprised at how many of their golf balls wound up in the river (the motif of the place is a mountain with a river running down through the rocks with a lake that has a water wheel, etc). Thankfully the place didn't charge us the fees it claimed it does whenever someone loses their ball.

Cami chose her own cake and being a loyal fan of Spongebob Squarepants her choice was easy. Not only did it look good but it was very tasty as well.

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