Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our First Camping Adventure

Several years ago Aura bought a tent and, with the exception of putting it up in our yard, we've never used it. At some point this last summer we decided that we wanted to go camping, so we packed up and went.

Aura found a KOA campground up near our favorite beach in St. Joseph, Michigan. When it came time to put up the tent I was really happy that I had practiced in our yard. It's funny that when you're putting up a tent everyone else, meaning other campers that were around us and not my family members, just sits and watches. I was really glad that I didn't come off as too much of a putz.

The kids really had a great time camping. Aura and I really enjoyed it also. We borrowed her sister's air beds so we didn't have to sleep on the lumpy ground and, while I'm somewhat embarrassed to admit it, we even put an air conditioner in there. It was really comfy and we even discovered that our tent was water tight when a big thunderstorm moved through during the night. I was surprised that we all slept so well. One annoying thing was many of the other campers there at the campground got up really early and they were all surprisingly noisy.

One of our favorite things was the campfire. We sat around it and roasted marshmallows and just basically enjoyed each other.

We also went to the beach that weekend. Lake Michigan's water temperature never really warmed up this year because it was such a cool summer. The water was especially cold this time around. The little kids just played in the sand and the various teenagers that were there braved the cold but you could tell that they really didn't want to be there, but none of them were brave enough to be the first ones out of the water.

It was really fun and we hope to go camping again sometime soon.

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