Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mother’s Day - 2011

Mother's Day - 2011

This year the kids were so excited about Mother’s Day. For weeks they’ve been talking about it and couldn’t wait to make their little treats and crafts for Mommy.

Ian made a Noah’s Ark out of popsicle sticks and Cami decorated the kitchen with all sorts of happy faces, etc. She also made a picture frame out of popsicle sticks and she rolled apples in peanut butter and covered them in sprinkles.

Also, a neighbor of ours gathered up a lot of the kids in the neighborhood and helped them all make little terrariums for their moms.

Mother's Day #2 - 2011

Mommy really enjoyed all of the attention and the treats, though Cami ate most of the peanut butter apples.

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