Saturday, June 11, 2011

At the Illinois Railway Museum - 2011


Once again this year we went to the Illinois Railway Museum for a reunion of my dad and his coworkers who used to work on the Railway Post Office trains. Ian and Cami are pictured here inside the car that the IRM had running that day. Ian isn’t excited that the girl who is draped over him is his sister.

DCIM\103SPORTThe kids have really grown up. I looked at older pictures and it is shocking to me how grown up they look in these pictures. I guess time is really getting on these days.


The weather was fabulous. It wasn’t hot (it can be really uncomfortable in the trains when it is hot) but it wasn’t cold either. And it didn’t rain! The mud there can be miserable when it rains.

The IRM also had the old sleeper cars open, but not running. They were really cool. The little rooms looked really comfortable. Each one had a toilet and at least one bed. There were sinks and controls for heat and AC. It made me long for the days gone by.

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