Sunday, June 12, 2011

Ian Almost Becomes a Girl


The other day we had a picnic in the park. At one point Ian got into one of the baby swings and I swung him for a while. It was great fun.

And then he tried to get out. Oh boy, he got himself so wedged in that he almost became a girl. It took both me and Mommy to get him out. At one point I turned him over and tried to dump him out of the seat. It was all very funny.

Later that same day Daddy fell off his swing and landed on his butt in the dirt. About 10 seconds later Ian fell off his swing and wound up hurting himself, though not badly. He mostly scared himself, but he did cry a lot. It was actually a little embarrassing that he was so loud as he cried. The other parents were looking at us like we were bad parents. Oh well, we had a good laugh about it later that day.

1 comment:

Ginny said...

I am so laughing my head off at this. You tell a funny story my friend! I can just picture you and Aura holding Ian upside down and trying to shake him out of the swing. Wish you had video of THAT!