Friday, February 13, 2009

Better Weather

Here is a panarama photo of a lake that is near us, and you know what!? It's melting! Woohoo!

This is the same lake that some foolish snowmobilers ride around on. It amazes me that people still go out onto a frozen lake. It's been cold this year, but it hasn't been that cold. I would never trust the ice.

Many people in the Midwest are happy that the weather is getting a little more tolerable. I'm not. I actually enjoy winter. Even though we've had lots of snow and cold this year we still haven't gone sledding or skating. Can you believe it? I sure hope it snows again so we'll get our chance.

It's at this time of year that my mind turns to what activities I can busy the kids with during the spring and summer. Camping perhaps? I'd love to take the kids fishing but I'm almost certain that one of them, or more likely myself, will get a fish hook embedded in their skin. Ouch!

I've already promised my son that we'll do lots of bike riding this year, especially around the local forest preserves. Perhaps my daughter can come along with us. She can be really really slow when she rides her bike because she makes lots of stops to pick flowers. By the end of the ride her basket is loaded with them. This is great but my son wants to go super fast. This means I get stuck in the middle trying to speed her up while trying to slow him down. It's great fun!

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